Modern Times Living 4336459070
Looking for a
highly rated manual weeder? The Modern Times Living 0784672149235 may have the qualities that you desire. This review will go into details about the price, score and popularity of this product, so that you can make a well informed choice before buying. We think it's also a good idea to also take a look at the
customer reviews, so that you can get a good idea about what other people have to say about the product.
This product is amongst the
most popular manual weeders. The data that we have shows that it is more popular than most of products in the same category that we have in our database. If you look at the user reviews, you can get a great set of judgements on the product before buying.
Comparison Table
Product: |
Editor Rating: | 4.7 out of 5 | 4.8 out of 5 | 4.4 out of 5 |
Features: | - Remove dandelions, thistles and other weeds safely & naturally with curved shaft weeding tool.
- Durable, rust-resistant, one-piece aluminum shaft leverages against ground to reduce hand & wrist fatigue.
- Large ergonomic handle ideal for gardeners who have difficulty holding tools with small or narrow handles.
- Bright green color easy to spot in garden. Reinforced handle hole convenient for storage.
- Excellent gift for any gardener; comes with burlap tote sack. 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee & Lifetime Warranty.
| - High carbon steel Japanese weeder
- Sharp edge kept longer
- Quick easy work for all weeding and gardening
| - Good for cutting down brush and debris
- Sharp 16-inch carbon steel blade
- Strong 36-inch hardwood handle
- Eyehole for easy hanging and storage
Brand: | Modern Times Living | Joshua Roth | The AMES Companies, Inc |
Price: | New: $10.98 Used: Unknown As of Aug 2 2018 9:06AM PST (details) | New: $14.64 Used: Unknown As of Mar 17 2020 9:32PM PST (details) | New: $62.27 Used: Unknown As of Dec 23 2017 10:21PM PST (details) |
Size: | | | 16-Inch |
Warranty: | | | 15-year warranty |
Sales Rank: Lower means more popular | #13,577 | #4,148 | #145,484 |
User Reviews
You can check out the in-depth list of user reviews by
clicking here. Here are some small snippets taken from the editorial review for this product:
The Homegrown Garden Tools Hand Weeder pierces the toughest soil then uses the unique curved shaft design to leverage against the ground and pry up stubborn weeds. Simply push the weeder into the ground at the base of a weed, use the V-shaped tip to capture the roots, press down on the handle and ...
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The data that we've collected shows that Modern Times Living has manufactured quite a few manual weeders. Our average score for this brand is 4.8 out of 5. That's based on 1 total items. Modern Times Living has a ranking of 3 out of 99 in the list of highest rated brands.
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The Modern Times Living 0784672149235 is probably more well-liked than the typical manual weeder, and this can be good because you are aware that it's probably a good one. Getting a less famous product can sometimes make it difficult to find additional owner's feedback. A higher degree of sales will often signify that the item merits selecting.
The Modern Times Living 0784672149235 is highly regarded amongst other consumers, and that is why it's quite popular.